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November 2007 Newsletter


MinusA2 sits alongside other green products at WIRED LivingHome

Los Angeles November 2007- WIRED magazine and LivingHome began installation of an eco-friendly, eco-chic house in the Los Angeles hills on September 5th, 2007. By September 7th, it was complete. With sustainability, technology and design in mind, the house is pre-fab, which means most of it is built in a factory and merely needs to be assembled at the site. Pre-fab houses take much less time and money to build and the fact that they are made of reusable and recyclable materials means they are much more practical than the average "stick built house." Architect Ray Kappe designed this $4 million contemporary house based on a vision of reducing waste and providing a stylish oasis that compliments its natural surroundings.

The environmentally friendly house is stocked with "green" appliances and accessories, including a BMW Hydrogen 7 which emits only water vapor, a SunPower solar power system to increase energy efficiency, and a new generation HEPA air purifier, Rabbit Air's MinusA2, to help filter and circulate air in this new living space.

A percentage of the proceeds from tours of the home went out to Global Green USA and Enterprise, organizations concerned with sustainable living and the effects of global warming.

Employee Spotlight

Dominic-Senior Rabbit Air Consultant
Behind the scenes, the Rabbit Air staff is an eclectic group of people dedicated to maintaining a high quality of service while constantly bringing new and creative ideas to the table. Meet Dominic, one of our Rabbit Air employees.

Tell us a little about your background. Where are you from?
I'm from the British Isles. I was born and bred in England. All of my family and friends are still back home. I moved here about 16 months ago, which is when I started working for Rabbit Air.

Do you like living in the U.S.?
The transition from living in England to living here was initially a bumpy ride. It is so different. But over the course of time I've adapted. L.A. is interesting, it's a culturally diverse place. I found the people very different some good, some bad. But overall I like it here.

What attracted you to the company?
The opportunity to build on my existing customer service skills, to learn more about the air purifier industry, I had no real prior knowledge on that. It was a company that seemed to employ people from all different walks of life. I heard that the Rabbit Air products were some of the best in the U.S. market and it seemed a good reason for me to join. It was a growing company and I wanted to be a part of it, to be involved in the progress and expansion of the company.

What do you do?
I'm the senior Rabbit Air Consultant. I'm the guy on the other end of the line when you call Rabbit Air. I'm responsible for monitoring day to day business activity and dealing firsthand with customers and responding to their questions.

How do you rate the customer service at Rabbit Air?
It's pretty amazing. I've never worked for an organization so intent on listening to its customers. For any unit defective upon arrival, we ship out another one immediately by 2nd Day Air. We don't charge restocking fees even if a unit has been used for 30 days and all the filters have been opened and used.

Do you use an air purifier in your home?
Yes. I use two, a BioGS 421A and a MinusA2. My wife was recently diagnosed with asthma and I got the units to help alleviate her breathing problems. She was having panic attacks and shortness of breath and the purifiers have helped tremendously to improve her breathing and health in general.

What's your favorite thing about working at Rabbit Air?
I enjoy the customer interaction. It is very satisfying to answer questions and help resolve problems. Many people call in with questions about which air purifier to buy for their home or office. I help people make decisions, to choose the product that best fits their lifestyle.

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MinusA2 Ultra Quiet Air Purifier

Starting $599.95

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BioGS 2.0 Ultra Quiet Air Purifier

Starting $369.95 $389.95

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A3 Ultra Quiet Air Purifier

Starting $749.95

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