Rabbit Air Blog
Can Paint Fumes Make You Sick?
Think about stepping into a freshly painted room. That new-paint aroma can be exciting because it signals a refreshe...
Do Air Purifiers Cause Dry Air?
Think about those moments when you take a deep breath indoors and get a sense of the room just not being fresh.
Does an Air Purifier Use a Lot of Electricity?
Air purifiers can feel like a small luxury—especially when you’re aware of rising energy bills. The good news is tha...
Understanding Dust Particle Size
Dust is everywhere. It settles on our furniture, swirls in the air on a sunny day, and can even find its way into th...
How Long Does It Take For An Air Purifier To Work
It’s no surprise that air purifiers are quickly climbing on the list of essential household appliances.
That’s even ...
How to Clean a HEPA Filter: A Comprehensive Guide
Think about the air you breathe every day. Whether you’re at home, in the office, or somewhere in between, we tend t...
How to Tell if Your Air Purifier is Working
Think about the moment you first decide an air purifier might help improve your living space.
You may have noticed d...
How to Protect Yourself from Wildfire Smoke
Wildfires can happen unexpectedly and spread quickly. They bring thick smoke that can linger in the air for days—or ...
Outgassing vs Offgassing.
Imagine you’ve just unwrapped a new plastic item or opened a fresh can of paint. A faint chemical odor wafts through...
What is Cumulate Clean Mass in Air Purification
Understanding Cumulate Clean Mass
Think of cumulate clean mass as a cumulative measure that captures how effectively...
Getting Your Home Ready After the Holidays
The holiday season brought joy, gatherings, and you created your perfect holiday aesthetics, but now that it’s ove...
What Is Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR)?
Indoor air quality is a key component of a healthy home. It can influence how we sleep, work, and feel on a daily ba...