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Tame Pet Hair and Pet Dander with Your Air Purifier

Most people love their pets and consider them to be part of their family.  However, pet hair and pet dander can often be quite troublesome, especially if a family member or friend has pet allergies. Suddenly Fido or Fluffy has become more of a challenge than a beloved pet as you’re constantly trying to remove pet hair, and trying to keep your pet away from anyone who is allergic.

girl and dog sleeping

A helpful solution can be to add an air purifier for pet dander and pet hair. An air purifier can help to remove pet hair, pet dander and pet odors from the air. Depending on the severity of the person’s allergies, an air purifier can sometimes be enough to let them be in the same room with the family pet. It may even be enough for them to be able to stay in the house for a weekend. While there are other things you can do to help someone with pet allergies, adding an air purifier is a great place to start and can definitely help to improve the situation. There are also benefits of an air purifier for pets.

Not every air purifier for a house with pets will remove pet dander and pet hair, so you’ll want to double check to make sure that your air purifier can do the job. If the air purifier does remove pet dander and pet hair, like our MinusA2 with  Pet Allergy Customized filter, the best solution is to put the air purifier in the room where the person with allergies will be spending the most time. This could be the guest bedroom, the family room or another room that you choose. Because the MinusA2 is portable, you can move it around as the person’s needs change during the day and evening; such as putting the air purifier in the guest bedroom at night and the family room during the day. Remember that air purifiers clean the air in a room several times an hour, so if you move the air purifier into the guest bedroom half an hour before they retire for bed, it will have cleaned the air a few times so that they can get a good night’s rest.

There are additional things you can do to help the person with pet hair and pet dander allergies, while also helping your air purifier. One of the best things you can do for pet allergies is to be an enthusiastic vacuumer. Thoroughly vacuum your home, even the cushions of the couch. Try to remember to vacuum areas that Fido or Fluffy has been in with extra care, as these will have more pet hair and pet dander. Vacuum once or twice a week for best results if you find that pet hair and pet dander bother someone you know.

dog on bed

Another helpful thing you can do for pet hair and pet dander is to stay on top of pet grooming. Your dog should be groomed regularly, which includes getting a bath. Simply bathing your dog will help to remove allergens. Please do NOT bathe your cat…you’ll probably regret it as much as the cat will! But if you have a long haired cat you can help remove pet dander while enjoying some quality snuggle time by brushing it regularly and gently. The cat will enjoy it, and you will breathe easier!

If your pets go outside, they may also bring allergens into the home. They may come in with wet fur from the rain, or with leaves and grass in their fur, all of which have the potential to aggravate someone with allergies. As your pet comes in take a moment to run a paper towel along their back. Remove anything that comes off – leaves, grass, etc – and toss it into the wastebasket. This will also help to keep allergens at bay and your friends and family breathing better.

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