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Breathe Pure for the Cure!

MinusA2 BCRF Special EditionOctober is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and Rabbit Air wants you to Breathe Pure for the Cure!  All during this month we will be offering our MinusA2 BCRF Special Edition air purifier featuring our beautiful hollyhock design.  For every one of these air purifiers sold Rabbit Air will donate funding for 30 minutes of research carried out by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.  Since 2007 Rabbit Air has been a proud partner of the BCRF and in that time we have donated more than $75,000 to this important organization. We are dedicated to lending our support in spreading awareness of this terrible disease and working to help provide researchers with the funds they need to find a cure.

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month was established in 1985 in the United States and has since spread around the globe blossoming into an international effort to raise awareness, fund research, and encourage all people to get appropriate screenings to increase early detection.  The Breast Cancer Research Foundation was created eight years later, and was instrumental in the promotion of the pink ribbon design that has become the iconic symbol of the fight against breast cancer.  The BCRF currently supports the work of nearly two hundred researchers, and has been selected by the American Institute of Philanthropy as one of its Top-Rated Charities.  BCRF funded researchers have made a number of important advancements in both treatment and screening technologies.  As awareness grows and more people contribute to this important cause we hope to see even more exciting developments in the future.

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