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Getting Started with Meditation

Practiced for thousands of years, meditation has surged in popularity recently for the seemingly endless array of health benefits that it is claimed to provide. Although there are numerous styles of meditation – mindfulness, Zen, guided, and chanting to name a few – they can all be used to feel more at peace, experience less stress, and to improve self-control. With meditation’s rise in popularity there has been a sharp increase in research on how it affects practitioners, with studies showing that the emotional benefits of meditation assist people in all kinds of ways, from helping to manage the stress-related symptoms of illnesses like high blood pressure and anxiety disorders, experiencing more compassion and love for others, boosting creativity, to even reducing perceived levels of pain.

Stick to What is Comfortable for You
There are many different forms of meditation, and it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. Although different types of mediation can produce different results, the variety that you most enjoy practicing will be the most effective. You may want to try out a few different styles to see what is most comfortable for you, and sticking with what is comfortable is the best way to ensure that you will make it a part of your regular schedule.

Don’t Eat Beforehand
While it may sound pleasant to meditate after a meal, chances are a full stomach will make you too sleepy to make the most of the exercise. A relatively empty stomach allows you to devote your attention to the task at hand, so plan your meditation time accordingly.

Wear a Relaxed Smile
Keeping a positive expression on your face can help you to feel more positive as well. Meditation is more effective when you can stay calm and relaxed throughout – so make sure to practice when you are in a happy state of mind.

Breathe in Peace
Breathing provides a rhythm to your meditation practice, which in turn helps you to focus. To make sure you are breathing as easily as possible meditate in a place with clean, fresh air – such as the beach, a park, or in your own home. Our Ultra Quiet air purifiers make a great meditation companion, as they will not only remove harmful toxins and pollutants from the air, but in their whisper Silent modes you will forget they are even there, allowing you to focus on your breath and your health.

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