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The 8 Best Ways to Use Air Purifiers

Using an air purifier can do much more than just improve your indoor air quality; it can also improve the quality of your life. There are many reasons that people find themselves searching for a quality air purifying product, ranging from allergies to eliminating food odors. Here are seven ways you can put an air purifier to good use.

  1. Help Your Health

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, your indoor air quality has a direct impact on your health. The agency lists the following as common side effects of exposure to pollutants:

  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Eye, nose and throat irritability
  • Headaches

The EPA notes that these issues can show up immediately or even within years of exposure.

An air purifier works to do just that: purify the air you breathe. Millions of particles can float throughout your home or business' air, such as mold spores and dust mites, causing the problems that the EPA outlines. The right kind of purifier will filter out these contaminants and eradicate them from your indoor air.

  1. Battle Your Allergies

If you are someone who regularly suffers from seasonal allergies, air purifiers can greatly help reduce your symptoms. While a purifier may not be able to prevent pollen or mold counts from jumping outside, it can keep the condition indoors much more pleasant. These products fight the airborne allergens that are typical in spring and fall.

  1. Cut Down on Dusting

There are likely few people who actually enjoy dusting their homes. Good news for the rest of the population: air purifiers can capture airborne dust particles, preventing them from settling on your television, bookshelves and tables. This will greatly reduce the amount of dust that collects, meaning that you have even less cleaning to do.

  1. Make Your Home Fido-Friendly

You love your pet, but you may not love some of the issues that having a pet can cause. For example, every time your dog wags his tail, he is probably spreading dander, which can trigger allergies and even lead to breathing problems. Additionally, pets can cause unwelcome odors in your home. You can use an air purifier in rooms where your pet spends the most time especially where he or she sleeps. This can help to reduce the amount of hair, dander and odors that circulate throughout your house.

  1. Get Rid of Odors

Cooking fish is a healthy alternative to some of your favorite foods, but it can leave an unpleasant odor hanging around your kitchen or dining room. Aside from cooking, there may be guests, pets, or even your own children who create smells that you wish you could remove with just the wave of a magic wand. Scented candles may work well temporarily, but you are essentially just covering up one smell with another.

Fortunately, an air purifier is up to the challenge. You can combat cooking odors, diaper pail smells and more with just the push of a button. A purifier will actually eliminate the particles in the air that are causing the odor, rather than just covering up the problem.

  1. Fight Germs in the Office

Most people have found themselves in this situation before: You go into work one morning to find that a co-worker is sick but refuses to go home. This means that those germs are circulating through the office and resting on door handles and shared equipment. Check with your supervisor to see if you could add an air purifier to your workspace. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention note that having a proper filtration system plays a key role in protecting not only office buildings themselves, but also the people inside. In addition to having clean HVAC systems, it is important to have purifiers to eliminate airborne germs.

  1. Clean the Classroom

Children have a way of bringing home every germ known to man. When they are in school, kids are exposed to a variety of illnesses because they interact so closely with each other. A purifier cannot prevent your child from ever getting sick, but it can greatly reduce the number of airborne particles in the classroom. You can check with the school or the teacher to see if you could donate a purifier to be used in your child’s room.  Air purifiers are also beneficial in the classroom for students that suffer from asthma and allergies. When kids come in from outdoor play, they bring allergens like pollen, mold spores, and dust along with them on their clothes and the soles of their shoes.  Using an air purifier in the classroom can help remove these allergens from the air, helping to reduce allergic triggers and allowing kids to focus more on their schoolwork.

  1. Reduce the Effects of Natural Disasters

A flood or a wildfire can cause major damage and destruction. Even when the situation appears isolated, there are byproducts that stem from these events, including toxins that are released into the air. Flooding can often result in dangerous mold growth, and wildfires emit a host of smoky substances that can make it hard for residents nearby to breathe easy. An air purifier will help to combat the potentially harmful mold spores or smoke particles that could be in your house.

If you are not sure which type of purifier to get, it is best to consult with a professional. He or she can help you to understand which product has the features you need.


Environmental Protection Agency, “Indoor Air Pollution and Health,” 2014

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Indoor Environmental Quality,” 2014

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