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Pets and the Benefits of Having an Air Purifier


We love our pets. Just how much, do you ask? Market research estimates that the pet care industry in North America will reach $281 billion in sales by 2023. We buy the best food, even splurge on vitamins, because we want our pets to thrive and have the healthiest life possible. But there is one aspect of pet health that we often overlook, probably because it’s invisible: air quality! 

What is Indoor Air Quality and What Are Its Effects?

According to the EPA, indoor air quality “refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants.” While we may not be aware of it, there are many sources in the home that can contribute to our air quality, such as asbestos, smoke, carbon monoxide, mold, and even products that we use every day. Upon exposure to these pollutants, some immediate symptoms are itchy eyes, sore throat, dizziness, headaches, and fatigue. With prolonged exposure, studies show that poor indoor air quality has been linked to respiratory issues, heart disease, and even death.  

How Does Poor Indoor Air Quality Affect Animals?

Imagine having the nose of a dog, the lungs of a bird, and the eyes of a rabbit. All are highly sensitive, which is why it’s unfortunate that indoor air quality is on average 2 to 5 times worse than outdoor air quality. With most of our pets spending their time close to the ground, dust, dirt, and even pet dander can accumulate and get inhaled or ingested by animals. Pet dander can negatively affect some people and we are familiar with our own allergies, but animals can get them too! Pets can suffer from sensitivity to fleas, grass pollen, even their own dander, with symptoms similar to humans, such as sneezing, runny nose, and skin irritation if they come into contact with an allergen. 

Air pollution, which can cause adverse health risks to humans, can also affect animals, especially birds. Compared to humans, birds have a higher breathing rate and are exposed to higher concentrations of particles, which can cause irreversible damage to their lungs.  

With so many indoor air pollutants, what can we do to protect our pets?

An Air Purification System Removes Pet Dander from the Air

Pet dander consists of tiny, often microscopic, particles of skin shed by animals like cats, dogs, and birds. 

These particles can linger in the air and trigger allergies or respiratory issues in both humans and pets. 

An air purification system equipped with a True HEPA filter can effectively capture pet dander, removing up to 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns from the air. 

By continuously filtering out these allergens, an air purifier helps create a cleaner and cleaner living environment for you and your furry friends.

Air Purification Systems Capture Pet Hair Before it Settles on Furniture

While regular grooming can reduce the amount of pet hair in your home, it's nearly impossible to eliminate it entirely. 

Pet hair not only makes your furniture look unkempt but can also carry dust and other allergens. Air purifiers with advanced filtration systems can capture pet hair circulating in the air before it has a chance to settle on your furniture and floors. 

This not only keeps your home cleaner but also reduces the amount of time you spend vacuuming and dusting.

Air Purifiers Reduce VOCs That Can Be Harmful To Pets

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are harmful gases emitted by common household products like cleaning supplies, paints, and air fresheners. 

These chemicals can negatively impact indoor air quality and pose risks to both humans and pets. Pets are particularly vulnerable because they spend more time close to the floor, where VOC concentrations can be higher. 

Air purifiers equipped with activated carbon filters can absorb and neutralize VOCs, helping to protect your pets from potential respiratory issues and other problems associated with these toxins.

Better Air Quality Can Lead To Better Sleep For Pets And Owners

Just like us, pets can experience discomfort from poor air quality, which can disrupt their sleep patterns. 

Allergens, dust, and odors in the air can cause pets to sneeze, cough, or experience itchy skin, making it hard for them to rest peacefully. 

An air purifier helps remove these irritants, allowing your pets to enjoy a more restful sleep. And when your pets sleep better, you're likely to enjoy a quieter, uninterrupted night's rest as well. Improved air quality creates a more comfortable environment for everyone in the home.

Safety Considerations For Pet Air Purifiers

When selecting an air purifier for a home with pets, safety should be a top priority. Avoid air purifiers that produce ozone or use ionizing technologies, as ozone can be harmful to both pets and humans. 

Opt for purifiers with sealed systems and high-quality filters to prevent any chance of particles or contaminants being released back into the air. 

Additionally, consider the noise level of the unit—some pets may be sensitive to loud sounds. 

Look for air purifiers designed to operate quietly to ensure they won't disturb or stress your animals. 

Lastly, place the air purifier in an area that's accessible for cleaning and filter changes but out of reach of curious pets to prevent any accidental damage.

Indoor Air Quality Solutions From Rabbit Air

To keep your air clean, here are a few solutions.

  1. Regularly vacuum and clean your home, preferably with a HEPA vacuum cleaner and non-toxic cleaning products.
  2. Ventilate your home so that enough fresh air from outside can circulate in your home. 
  3. Check your home for signs of mold, especially in damp areas. If you suspect that you have mold, call a specialist for assistance. 
  4. Use a HEPA air purifier for pets, such as the AAFA Certified MinusA2 air purifier, that can trap particles as small as .1 microns in size with a higher than 99% efficiency. Air purifiers also trap pet hair.
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